Wednesday, 25 November 2020



So this one we round lands end and head for Milford Haven. So much was changing on this one. We planned to go to Ireland but changing forecasts stopped that but not only that Ireland was going back into a lockdown and I didn’t fancy spending 2weeks stuck onboard. So as we got round lands end it was up the Bristol Channel we went. We started getting some lumpy seas through the night and wind so I pushed well offshore to keep things safe. I think Darren might of thought I lost the marbles when the sea was getting bigger and I said we are going further out to sea on this next tack..but it really is the safer thing to do... things when a ok apart from the reefing horns snapping off after getting hit with a huge gust lucky the boom didn’t fly of and rip the sail. We kept the boat singing along and got everything tied down so all was well. I knew by almost morning the conditions were to easy so it was just ride her out to the sun comes up. Coming up past Lundy about 25 miles west of it we had do.hind follow us for hours it was just absolutely amazing you will love the footage in this video you will feel like one of the pod. When we get into Milford Haven we met up with Darrel from Sailing and cruising uk. Darrel was very kind and helped us find a welder to do the work on the reefing horn. In the end it was a friend of Darrel who done the work for us so thanks Martin. We met some nice people in Milford and as always we got a great welcome. Once all was sorted we had a very kind offer from Darrell of beer and chips...he also gave us a bit of a guided tour and seeing a little bit of the coast from a different angle... so it was really nice and appreciated. After a couple of days we moved back down into Dale anchorage’s an anchorage I know well now it has very good holding and lots of room. You got to go into the little village it’s actually pretty nice ...anyway I hope you enjoy the video and thanks again Milford Haven for the nice welcome.

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